The most effective way to use herbs to heal our physical and energy bodies from sexual trauma – be it personal, societal, ancestral, or all three, is through baths. It’s common knowledge that our skin is our largest organ, yet it’s hard to conceptualize the idea that something absorbed through it in a bath could have a significant impact on our wellness. If you need to experience it to get it like I did, I suggest you try a THC bath bomb and come back to this post. A sitz bath, where one squats and submerges only their bums, works great for this; some prefer the steam, but for me, the bath is best.
Preparing an herbal bath is simple. Start with a large reusable cheesecloth or paper tea bag that you can easily find online and fill it with herbs. Then, you want to tie the bag under the faucet. Put the heat as high as it will go and ‘make tea’ into your bathtub, filling it about halfway before adjusting the temperature to your desire. Once in the bath, it’s nice to take the bag of herbs off the faucet and rub it on yourself.
Here are some of my favorite herbs for bathing. These baths are especially nice before meeting a new suitor. I like to clear out any energy from before and truly meet them in the moment. Healing baths are most potent at the ‘burning sky’ times of day – sun rise and set.
- Mustard seed is great for healing layers of ancestral trauma.
- Copaiba oil is one of my favorite additions, as, like our buddy Arnica, it’s practically a panacea. Copaiba is anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal, and it promotes healthy cell reproduction. It can also help soften scars.
- Honeysuckle is one of my favorite scents and flowers. It stabilizes blood pressure and helps with childhood and sexual trauma.
- Morning Glory, Moonflower, and Daytura can be a bit controversial in a bath because they can have psychoactive properties, but it’s phenomenal paired with Honeysuckle for trauma healing. Morning Glory is also supportive of pain and addiction.
- The Mimosa flower is a delicately fragrant delight that helps us get in touch with our hearts.
- Hawthorne roots for heart-based sadness, that is, the kind of heartsickness we carry that can make our actual heart sick as well as energetic heart. Hawthorne root is quite bitter. Therefore, I do not recommend using it for tea.
Of course, the best herbal bath ingredient is me.